Saturday 28 May 2011

Fairy Door

I loved fairies when I was a little girl, but as the mother of 2 boys I don't get to indulge those memories now. We've just come back from a few days away at Center Parcs (actually got to go without spending a fortune, since we went midweek and out of normal school holidays) and behind our villa there was of course lots of trees. One in particular caught my eye as I was sitting relaxing on the patio area - the base of the tree had a little arched hollow which looked just like a small doorway. On our last day, having some time to kill, and nothing better to do, I decided to turn it into a proper fairy doorway. If I'd had a little longer and the tools to do it, I might even have been tempted to make a more 'permanent' working door, but this gave the desired effect. I like to think that the next inhabitants of the villa might include a small girl to 'discover' it....