Monday 26 July 2010

First Post

I thought it was about time I made a start on this blog.  For a while now as I've been browsing around other people's blogs - especially creative ones, I've been feeling a little jealous - there are so many projects to take part in, so many ideas to share and experiment with, and I've felt a little left out.  My 'main' blog (Artful Adventures) was really intended to be a business blog - I think it's moved a bit beyond that, and although I do love that blog, it's dedicated to children's art, and is not the place to share my own stuff, so I wanted a my own space for that purpose.  I wanted somewhere to share and record all the wonderful inspirational things I came across, and yes, to indulge myself a little.

Not that I get the time to do a lot of my own work, more's the pity.  I spend a lot of my time being creatively frustrated, as I have lots and lots of ideas and no time to do them all.  I've not really spent a lot of time doing artwork since I left University, and I feel I need the time to experiment, to develop my own style, not just by dabbling, but spending some real quality time absorbed in the studio.  What  studio?  Well I don't really have one - we just have a room that is office, studio and part-time fitness space - you can imagine the chaos - 3 mutually incompatible activities in one not terribly big room!  It is a dream of mine to have my own special space one day.

Of course it's not just artwork - ever since I can remember I've had a wider interest in crafts in general - there's so much I want to try my hand at.  I've always been particularly interested in art, textiles, papercrafts, jewellery, and glass.  But life is just too short to try all of these properly.  Sometimes I think I should forget about trying to become any good at just one and have fun instead.

I was intrigued to see that I'd somehow managed to pick up a follower before I'd even put a single post on here - that was certainly a leap of faith!  Let's just hope I can live up to it.  I'm not sure how often I'll be able to add to this blog - I suspect that at first I'll struggle to contribute to it really frequently, just as I struggle to get the time to do my own creative work.   But setting up this blog really is a statement of intent, and I'm intending therefore over the next day or two to try and indulge myself a little - just watch this space to see if I achieve it!


  1. Good luck with this Jude, look forward to reading more as your journey starts!

  2. Good luck with your new blog Jude :) I look forward to reading it and I know exactly where you're coming from - so many things to try out, so little time / money / space!
    I love your doodles around the edge of your blog by the way :)

    Thanks for your comment on my blog, I have replied to it there.

  3. Thanks for your comments - I'm really chuffed to have 2 followers already!

  4. Good for you Jude! Looking forward to reading.
